Sunday, November 4, 2007

Learning Clowning through Video

Subject Area: Drama

Grade Level: Grade 10

Source - URL:

Desription of Learning Object:
Watch the videos above and determine what ideas and conceptsof European clowning are shown in the videos, where are they located in the videos, and how do they affect the comedy with in the videos.

Classroom Integration:
A. Form groups of 4 in which you can work on the assignment.

B. Research on the internet ideas and concepts of European Clowning; use at
least 3 sources. Be sure to focus on the following areas:
* Innocences
* Discovery
* Simplicity
* Melodrama
Everyone in the group will be responsible for the research in 1 of the 4 areas.

C. Watch the following videos and determine what ideas and concepts
of European clowning are shown in the videos, where are they located in the
videos, and how do they affect the comedy with in the videos.

Video web addresses:

Everyone is responsible for their section of research in this activity.

D. Bring all the information together into one comprehensive project which
includes the 4 sections research and video analyze. This must be compiled on a
word processing program and be spell checked and grammar checked.

E. Anwser the following questions as a group:

i) Did any of the four researched subjects stand out as being more important
then the others? Why or Why not?

ii) How could clowning be used in other forms of entertainment or in everyday life.

iii) Are there any of ideas or concept of clowning that are not one of the 4
researched? If so what are they?

Planning and Preparation:

First I would view all the material and make sure it is appropriate. Then I would make sure I have a firm
concept of all the material myself so that if the students had questions about it I would be able to give them
and intelligent response.
Secondly I would create a teacher web on-line to help guide the students in my absence. Like so:

3. To develop an appreciation of drama and theatre as a process and art form.

SLO: Theatre Studies

4. Recognize dramatic structure of a play.
5. Recognize elements of tragedy and comedy.
6. Recognize realism and selected other significant theatre styles.

ICT Outcomes:

C3   Students will critically assess information accessed through the use
of a variety of technologies.
C5 Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry.