Saturday, September 29, 2007

Shakespeare in ourTimes


Alberta Education. (1986). Drama 10-20-30. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from

Drama 10

Description of Activities:

Students will engage in discussions of Shakespearean plays they have seen, read or heard of. Then through the use of computers they will research Shakespearean plays that have happened or will be happening in their city, province, and country; as well as how they are staged. After discussion and recording of their findings a brief clip from the modernized Romeo and Juliet movie will be shown. The students will then discuss and list changes that have been made in Shakespeare's works for today's audience in terms of staging, language, and social context.

General Learning Outcome:

To develop an appreciation of drama and
theatre as a process and art form.

Specific Learning Outcome:

Explore various conventions and
traditions of theatre

ICT General Learning Outcome:

C1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.

ICT Specific Learning Outcome:

1.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry

ICT Rational:

These activities will allow the students to explore different methods of searching for information from local to country wide resources. This will widen their information searching abilities as well as being able to focus on internet material in a broad and more focused view from different types of electronic sources. These activities will also allow students to discover more about Shakespearean theatre in a modern day and relevant context.

1 comment:

Krista Johnson said...

Good Activity Kirk! I believe this activity is great because it helps to make connections with Shakespeare and today which is crucial to get student to want to learn. Browsing the internet to find current Shakespeare plays helps the students realize what an impact his plays still have today. Comparing the original play will the recent ones will get the students to think critically and help them appreciate the plays an realize how they still appeal to the audience today.