Thursday, September 20, 2007

What is Technology Integration?

Technology integration, when we are discussing education, is the use of new technology in and out of the classroom for learning purposes. This has great possibilities and could speed up and/or enhance the learning process of students if integrated well. Some good ways to integrate technology into classrooms can already be seen in a lot of classrooms across the country. The use of LCD projectors allows teachers to quickly and easily display from computers text, pictures, video, etc. This would save time from making overheads, blowing up pictures, or dragging around TV’s from class to class. Things could quickly and easily be researched right in front of the class using the internet or computer programs. Teachers and students would no longer have to go through books and libraries for hard to find information. Information and multimedia can most certainly speed up the ability to find and show material. As well the quality of that material as well could be much higher because of the amount of information computers and the internet can hold gives a large field to choose from. Also how that information can show using computer technology can enhance the quality of material and subject matter.

Technology integration as well though can have it down sides if not done well. Internet and computers have many programs on them that can allow students to find short cuts for their work. As well having computers readily available with a tremendous amount of information on it could have kids continuously attached to their computers doing work instead of using conventional pen and paper. Libraries could become obsolete and books ignored. Students could stop reading just get summaries of books, plays, and texts on-line. If every student sat down at a computer to learn then a connection between teacher and student can become completely lost as the students focus is drawn completely to the computer in front of them. Interaction, group work, and socialization could be completely lost. Integration of technology into education must not be all encompassing. Their must be a limit to the use of technology and human to human interaction must occur. Real life does not take place within a computer or on the net, it happens here in the real world. Students must be able to learn and develop in the real world and integration of ever growing technology threatens that, we must be careful how far we take it.

A large barrier that does hinder the integration of technology in the class rooms is that simple fact that not all teachers are equipped to use such technology. Many teachers grew up never having seen such technology used in class rooms and aside from not knowing how to properly use it, they may be afraid to use it. As well the education system is not as well funded as it could be. Education is not always a top priority of the government or public. So with limited money schools may not be able to afford to buy new technology or to train teachers in how to use it. Teachers do not make enough money to continually buy the latest technology to keep up to date them selves. These are all things that are stopping the integration of technology into class rooms.

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